Raghav Budhraja on PeakPals, App & Fundraising

Raghav Budhraja on PeakPals, App & Fundraising

Q: What inspired you to start PeakPals?

Growing up obese, I defied odds to be a footballer

But broke both my knees in 2 years

So, I dropped out of college, learnt about stock markets, hit a 3 Cr. option turnover

But lost it all,

Only thing that kept me going was

Working on my fitness, all in- at Peak

And being with right people- Pals

That’s why PeakPals

Q: After 100+ transformations, what were the common strategies they used to lose weight?

Extreme personalization is the secret, but common practices include

Eating home-cooked meals eg “Dal Makhani”- (700 calories outside, 200 at home), cut out sugar, prioritise protein, only eat high value carbs like veggies & legumes, lift weights (compound exercises), walk, fast sometimes, and a quality sleep.

Q: How does PeakPals differentiate itself from other fitness programs?

We’ve made 100+ people lose 8-12 kg in 2 months w/o sacrificing health where unlike others, we solve every problem personally, so you get

  1. Personalised diet plans
  2. 1-on-1 online training
  3. Personal wakeup calls to be in a new routine
  4. Mental Therapy Session to understand your eating pattern
  5. Eating out guide
  6. Curated grocery list
  7. Healthy cooking course on FaceTime
  8. Separate diet plan for travelling
  9. Combat loose skin guidelines
  10. Secret dessert options
  11. Flexible scheduling 
  12. Targeted exercises for weak areas.

That’s why we guarantee results.

Q: What’s the current progress of the app? 

App is built, tested by 100+ users and achieved a net promoter score of 8.9/10, and we’ll launch it supersoon. 

Q: Studying in the UK, I’ve noticed PeakPals’ popularity among Indian students in the UK. How did it happen?

Personal training in the UK is costly, and Indian apps lack  personalization. PeakPals fills this gap with tailored solutions for Indians abroad, including personalised diet plans, 1-1 online training, eating out guides, curated grocery lists, facetime cooking courses, etc. 

All this is a game changer as Indians abroad manage household chores independently.

Q: There’s been a buzz about your fundraising. How has the response been?

Profitably bootstrapped for 3 years, PeakPals has done over 1000 consultations, 100 transformations, attracting significant interest from over 24 investors with ongoing discussions. We expect to complete our seed round in 1-2 months. However, as a solo founder, I am too cautious in choosing our first partner

Q: Besides PeakPals, which market do you find the most interesting and has high growth potential?

Athleisure market, which has a comfortable fit and represents Athlete’s body, Entrepreneurs mind and Artist soul. We even partnered with five designers for exclusive t-shirts, promoting a sense of belonging in our community.