Ownership and Funding Info.

Ownership and Funding Information – Republic News India

Welcome to Republic News India, an independent news organization dedicated to providing reliable and unbiased news coverage. We believe in transparency and want to provide you with detailed information about our ownership and funding sources.


Republic News India is owned and operated by Rupesh Dharmik, an Entrepreneur and digital PR expert and the founder of Brand Maker RD. With extensive experience in the field of media and communications, Rupesh Dharmik brings a strong vision and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of journalism.


Republic News India is primarily funded through a combination of advertising revenue, private investments, and partnerships. Our advertising revenue is generated from various sources, including display ads, sponsored content, and collaborations with reputable organizations. These advertisements are clearly marked as such to ensure transparency and maintain a clear distinction from our editorial content.

In addition to advertising revenue, Republic News India may also receive financial support through private investments to sustain our operations and further develop our platform. We are committed to maintaining the independence of our news organization and ensuring that our funding sources do not compromise the integrity of our journalism.

Editorial Independence:

We pride ourselves on our editorial independence, which forms the cornerstone of Republic News India. Our team of dedicated journalists and editors adhere to the highest professional standards, ensuring unbiased reporting and analysis. We are committed to delivering accurate and objective news to our readers, free from any external influences or biases.

Corrections and Accountability:

At Republic News India, we strive for accuracy in our reporting. If we discover any errors or inaccuracies in our articles, we take immediate corrective action. We value the feedback and engagement of our readers and encourage them to reach out to us if they spot any factual errors or have concerns about our content. We are committed to being accountable and transparent in our reporting.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns regarding Republic News India’s ownership, funding, or editorial policies, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to address your inquiries and maintain an open line of communication.

Thank you for your trust in Republic News India. We are dedicated to delivering reliable news and keeping our readers informed on the issues that matter most.