Fashion Designer Zeel Ritu Agarwal is known to make creative and never seen before outfits. Recently, the designer’s collection was worn by popular actress Adaa Khan. A feathered theme outfit, gives pretty stylish and formal look. And we must say Adaa has carried it like a fashionista!
Speaking about the outfit and Adaa donning it, Zeel says, “Adaa is a pretty lady and I was so excited to see her in my collection. Especially this feather one. When I was ideating on some new dresses, I thought of introducing feathers because that’s something new and looks vogue. And I must say, Adaa has carried it with utmost grace and perfection. Looking forward to seeing Adaa wear more of my collection and carry them with her charm.”
Take a look at the outfit here…
Indeed, Zeel has defined her creative ability in such a beautiful manner. Looking forward to seeing more of her collections and creative experiments!