In a novel attempt, a Hyderabad based NGO brought out a special calendar titled “Carona Ke Veer Yoddha” dedicated to Funeral, Sanitation, Supermarket workers among others
The Calendar is our expression of sincere thanks to our heroes without capes: Rakesh Dhannarapu, President, JCI Buddhapurnima Hyderabad
Hyderabad, February 12, 2022: A Novel Calendar 2022, dedicated to Carona Ke Veer Yoddha released on the eve of an installation of JCI Buddhapurnima Hyderabad in the city on Friday night. The high-quality calendar produced and launched by Global Young People’s Leadership Organisation, JCI Budhapurnima Hyderabad is dedicated to the courage, commitment and selflessness of Covid Warriors.
Junior Chamber International, generally referred to as JCI, is a non-profit international non-governmental organization of young people between 18 and 40 years old. It is present in about 124 countries. JCI Buddhapurnima Hyderabad is a local unit.
The calendar was unveiled on the eve of the swearing ceremony of the office bearers of the organisation, JCI Budhapurnima Hyderabad. The new office bearers are led by Rakesh Dahnnarapu, who is into aviation as President of the Chapter: Ms Saika Beerval as its Secretary, Shreekanta Gubba as its Treasurer among others.
“We feel simple ‘thank you’ is not enough to express our gratitude to the covid warriors. Hence, the calendar is to show them that they are loved and recognized, and to show how proud we are of them”, said Rakesh Dahnnarapu, the newly installed President of JCI Buddhapurnima Hyderabad.
The Calendar is our expression of sincere thanks to our heroes without capes (a superheroes tag)…..Corona Ke Veer Yodha helped India move forward in lockdown period, he added.
The February month in the calendar is dedicated to Health Workers; March –Sanitation workers; April –Police and Home Guards; May–Supermarket Workers; June –Delivery Personnel; July–Teachers and Educators; August–Media Personnel; September—Farmers; October–Aviation Industry and Transport sector; November—Funeral Workers and December–Pathologists and Diagnosticians.
Adding further, the young president of 24 years old Chapter Rakesh stated, we have spent a little over 75000 on printing 1000 pieces of the calendar. The funds are raised would be used for the welfare of Covid Warriors, Up-skilling the young who have lost numerous class hours and for community activities.