Embark on an Epic Cosmic Adventure: Discover ‘Child of Paradox’ by Kritika Dukia!

Kritika Dukia, Child of Paradox, Epic Cosmic Adventure
  1. How did the plot of this book come to you, and what motivated you to create it?

I have always been fascinated by the vastness of space and the multiverse theory and the endless possibilities of sci-fi. At the same time the richness and timeless stories of hindu mythology have always captivated me. I just wanted to explore how these seemingly disparate worlds would collide. Of Course beyond this initial spark the story evolved through extensive brainstorming and research.

  1. Could you provide us some details about how you write? Do you have any special rituals or a set schedule that you follow to help you enter the creative flow?

Well there is no specific routine but there are a few things that I followed. The first thing is I dedicated writing time for each day. And before diving into the writing session, I might spend a few hours researching the scientific concepts or delving deeper into specific aspects of Hindu Mythology.

  1. Your book’s characters are incredibly unique and unforgettable. Did they come from your imagination alone, or are they based on real people?

The characters definitely have a life of their own but they owe their existence to a blend of inspiration and imagination. For few of the characters, the core characteristics draw inspiration from classical Hindu mythology.

  1. Your book explores [a particular topic or problem]. What prompted you to investigate this theme, and what ideas or conversations do you want readers to have after reading your writing?

In my book the central theme explores the complex interplay between tradition and innovation, the ancient and the futuristic. Historically sci-fi and mythology have often been seen as separate spheres. I wanted to bridge this gap and see how these disparate concepts could coexist and even influence each other. The story encourages readers to question the established norms and think critically about the world around them. “Child of Paradox” aims to be more than just a thrilling sci-fi, it is a call for open-mindedness and how we perceive reality.

  1. Your book has a very detailed and compelling world-building. How did you go about building it up, and were there any historical events or real-world locales that you used as inspiration?

Thank You for recognizing the world-building in my book. Creating this setting involved a combination of research, imagination and subtle threads of inspiration from real world locations as well.

  1. As a writer, how do you strike a balance between the genre’s expectations and the requirement for originality? Was it difficult to add your own special touch to well-known components?

Balancing originality with genre expectations is a constant tightrope walk for any genre author. The heart of the story’s originality lies in the fusion of sci-fi and Hindu Mythology. This unexpected combination creates a world which is so different yet so familiar which I think will be appealing to the readers who enjoy genre-bending stories.

  1. The story moves along at a well-paced read that holds readers’ attention throughout. How do you keep the story moving forward and keeping tension high throughout?

I feel a fast pace is definitely a good fit for today’s readers who have limited time to spare. You will see the story starts with a bang throwing the reader into the heart of the protagonist’s world and establishing the central conflict. Throughout the narrative I tried to plant the seeds of doubt about the story’s reality. By keeping certain elements fantastical while grounding others in today’s world scientific possibility, I tried to encourage readers to question the boundaries between fiction and reality and if so then How in upcoming series.

  1. In this day of ever-evolving media and reader preferences, how do you envision the traditional narrative function altering and how do you modify your work to appeal to modern readers?

In the whirlwind of ever-evolving media and reader preferences, traditional storytelling needs to adapt while retaining its core strengths. Key is to find the balance between respecting the traditions of storytelling like emotional resonance and depth while incorporating elements that resonate with all the readers. The initial installment of “Child of Paradox” series establishes a dynamic foundation, deliberately paced to capture the fleeting attention spans of contemporary readers. This approach serves a dual purpose – first it propels the narrative forward while simultaneously laying the groundwork for intricate world-building to unfold in subsequent volumes. I am open to exploring possibilities beyond traditional novel format, considering audiobooks or serialized content to reach a wider audience.
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