New Delhi: Mrs India 2020 winner reached at Delhi Ki Queen Grand Finale as a Celebrity guest. Delhi ki Queen welcomes Mrs India 2020 winner Neha Singh at PVR Plaza Canaught Place Delhi, contestant Participated from all over Delhi. It was a grand event organised by Mr Manubhav Tyagi and Dipti Shekhavat at PVR Plaza Delhi, all finalists from Delhi performed well to prove theirself.
It was a selection of beauty with brains. Miss Ushita Shekhawat Won as winner, First Runner up Swastika and Second Runner up Sonali Singh. In Mrs Catagory, Mrs Madhu declared as winner, First Runner Up Mrs Geeta Singh and Second Runner up Mrs Aarti. Neha Singh wishes all the winners for their bright career, and gave message to all finalists to keep performing well, and serve the society in their best possible way, she told that a beauty within plays a big role, like helping needy people and providing services to the deprived society. Mr Harbhajan Singh was present as Chief Guest in the Show. Celebrity Guest Neha Singh told she really felt good being the part of the show.