Kamma gear flywheel signed MOU with Mr. Pintu Bajaj Prop. M/s Free Energy

Kamma gear flywheel signed MOU with Mr. Pintu Bajaj Prop. Ms Free Energy

Directors Mr. C.S. Bhaskar (electricity man) and Mrs. Bala Chaganti of M/s Kamma gear flywheel Pvt. Ltd from Hyderabad has passed a resolution to provide their marketing rights of Energy and Hydrogen to Mr. Pintu Bajaj, Prop. M/s Free Energy, Patiala for all Government and Private sectors in India to provide Uninterrupted, Clean and Green Power generation through Flywheel Standalone energy storage system, which is the result of extreme hard work and innovation by Mr. C.S. Bhaskar and Mrs. Bala Chaganti.

Kamma gear flywheel Pvt. Ltd. Has already got his first purchase order from Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. to be installed at 66KV substation, Nuthowala and bank guarantee of Rs.5 lacs is issued to PSPCL and final PPA is under process.

Mr. Pintu Bajaj Prop. Free Energy vision is to provide uninterrupted, clean and green energy to all the sectors of the country for free and to reduce carbon emissions and make our environment clean and green, Free energy and Kamma gear flywheel will reach at every corner of the country very soon.

A great scientist of electronics — Nikola Tesla once exclaimed —  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  It is perhaps the “ripe time” to take the sage words by the Serbian-born American genius to heart!

From an environmental perspective, the present world is obviously a fearsome place to be. We have in fact made the worst use of the best inventions. What scientists discovered and gave to mankind have been senselessly abused setting off the alarm of danger. We only listen to what a bunch of capitalists dictate to us.  Moreover, man’s weakness has been “easily” taken for a ride in the modern times!

The conscious environmentalists now in desperation try to convince us that the only way out is to lead a frugal life. Switching our elegant cars with a humble cycle can alone cheer up Mother Earth.

 Buddha’s wisdom of austerity and abstinence alone helps bring the damaged ecosystem to alignment. But very sadly, amidst the roar of extravagance and exhibitionism, this “simplistic solution” hardly sounds practical.

 Here comes a big relief. With a bang, the two environmental scientists from Hyderabad recently put forth a great “solution”.  They have come up with a breakthrough technology that can throttle back greenhouse gas emissions. The fruit of exhaustive research spanning over three decades the humble husband and wife — Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Chaganti and Dr. Bala Chaganti worked together and pioneered a revolutionary cyclic wheeler to address the greatest concern of modern times.Even the BBC has recently done extensive coverage on the technology.

Well, we badly need the fluelless power to power this civilization. Paradoxically, the earth’s healing and human greed might very soon go hand in hand. It is indeed a great pride that this technological breakthrough has come from India! Kudos to the genius Chaganti couple from Hyderabad  Recognise EINSTEINS in your backyard!