Young Entrepreneurs Build Thriving Jewellery Brand Klassy

Young Entrepreneurs Build Thriving Jewellery Brand Klassy.

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), India, May 23, 2024: Klassy, a rising name in personalised jewellery, was born from a shared passion for gaming. In their early twenties, the brand’s founders, Baldeep Singh Saluja and Yash Kalra, turned their hustle from organising PUBG tournaments to creating memory-infused jewellery pieces, driven by a desire to overcome financial challenges and a love for self-expression. 

Baldeep’s story is one of resilience. After his father’s passing, the weight of responsibility fell on his young shoulders. He juggled studies with a job at a seasonal shop to support his family. Yash, his childhood friend, faced similar struggles. Together, they found creative ways to make ends meet.

Capitalising on the PUBG craze, they launched an Instagram page organising tournaments. The venture thrived, but a chance encounter with a customer seeking a customised Rakhi sparked a new idea. Intrigued by the concept of personalised jewellery, Baldeep and Yash saw an opportunity.

With no prior experience, they sourced a vendor, designed samples, and showcased them on their existing Instagram platform. The response was overwhelming. As PUBG faded in India, their jewellery business blossomed.

Fueled by a passion for e-commerce, Baldeep saw online tutorials and mastered the intricacies of the digital marketplace. Growth necessitated a website, and after an initial setback with an unreliable developer, they found Mayank, a skilled developer from Bangalore. Mayank’s expertise in D2C, coupled with his entrepreneurial spirit, made him a perfect fit for the team.

Today, Klassy has a dedicated team – from customer support to in-house photography and a jewellery designer. It offers customised pieces and a growing collection of ready-to-ship designs. With ambitious plans for expansion, including venturing into 925 silver jewellery, Klassy’s future shines bright.

At Klassy, every piece is more than just an adornment; it symbolises self-expression and confidence and a reminder of the power of chasing dreams.

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