5 things to know before joining Networking groups

5 things to know before joining Networking groups

Article by: Mr.Pankaj Harwansh, Director, BNI-Navi Mumbai

It’s always worth investigating a company’s history to get a sense of how reputable and trustworthy they are before you commit to doing business with them. You should also consider what services they’re offering and if there are any catches or fine print that could suggest less than acceptable business practices.

What is your goal in networking with this group?

Your goal when joining or participating in a networking group should be more than just acquiring new contacts. There must be a specific need addressed that will help you or your business or a particular and beneficial set of people or topics that you can learn from to help you reach your business goals. For example, some of your networking group goals might be:

  • Find a mentor
  • Hone your elevator pitch
  • Get feedback on a new product or service
  • Find potential joint venture partners
  • Get connected to industry leaders
  • Increase your visibility and thought leadership in your industry

Membership Criteria

The success of your networking group depends heavily on selecting the right professionals to be a part of it. You should only invite candidates whom you believe would make strong additions to the group.

By having clear membership criteria, you can avoid any issues down the road. Some examples of membership criteria include providing strategic, non-competitive services and products, having an impeccable reputation, being established, and having good contacts to network with and contribute to.

Driven by Agenda

The agenda for your meetings should be critical to providing the most conducive setting for the exchange of ideas, contacts, and referrals. An agenda should include, recording attendance, member participation reports, new member introductions, referrals and business opportunities generated. Having a highly structured meeting can help ensure that all members are on the same page and that everyone’s time is being used efficiently.


Is the group regularly measuring its results? A prime aspect of running a networking group is knowing that it is performing for its members.

Keeping records helps ascertain the growth of members, and their business as well as an increased network of contacts. Doing so will ensure that your networking initiative is valuable and shows results.


Members of a networking group must be held accountable for their participation. After all, everyone in the group is relying on each other to provide value. If everyone does their part, the group will be successful. But if there are members who don’t pull their weight, they’ll be a burden on the rest of the group.

Invest Time

Yes, network marketing is a great opportunity to have more control over your schedule and be your boss. But if you want to be successful, you need to be willing to invest the time and effort required. With dedication and consistent effort, you can reach the top level in your business.