“Astrology is nothing but an advanced science of Vedic era” says Sougat Dasgupta

“Astrology is nothing but an advanced science of Vedic era” says Sougat Dasgupta
Sougat Dasgupta

Astroanswer’s founder, Sougat Dasgupta, claims that astrology is an advanced branch of vedic science. It is a very sophisticated coding language, he claims, capable of decoding a wide range of human events. Dasgupta has expertise in various branches of this field such as KP astrology, Laal kitab, Bhrigu Nandi nadi & parasari astrology. It is astounding how much he knows about palmistry. Since his predictions consistently come true, this practitioner of Vedic science is very well-liked by his clients.

In order to provide you with a flawless home design in accordance with the antiquated science of vastu, Sougat Dasgupta also has his own engineering team. He is a popular choice among many engineers, activists, doctors, and other front-line citizens of the nation.

In an interview, Sougat Dasgupta informed us that his Astroanswer would serve as a forum for astrology enthusiasts to interact and learn about this fascinating science. He will soon begin providing individualized astrology and mental health coaching on the Astroanswer platform.

Sougat Dasgupta is a young entrepreneur who followed his heart to build a success story, he is a Bioengineer from NIT Agartala. A professional astrologist and Vastu consultant, Sougat Dasgupta is a Rudraksha therapist and a well-known astrologer in Tripura and all across the country. Dasgupta has delivered a talk on “Rising Trend of Astrology in Modern India” at Kashiyatra, annual fest of the highly prestigious IIT BHU. With a vision to provide spiritual retreats for the pilgrims and to preserve the glorious culture, Astroanswer has initiated ‘Tirtha Yatra’ provisions imbibed with spiritual connotation and blissful experience equipped with the diligent guidance of trained multi-lingual yatra and operational experts.

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