Malavika Malaviya: The Voice for Veganism, Sustainability, and Ethicality Via Malagoesgreen

Malavika Malaviya The Voice for Veganism, Sustainability, and Ethicality Via Malagoesgreen
Malavika Malaviya

To call veganism a “trend”, would be a miscalculation of the movement’s impact. Veganism as a lifestyle choice gained global popularity in the past two decades, but it has a rich history spanning centuries.

Malavika Malaviya, an avid spokesperson for this lifestyle, describes veganism as a personal choice of not consuming any products that have been derived from animals and other living things. This not only includes meat products but also foods like eggs, milk, honey and other items like leather, wool, and silk.

Malavika says, “A major chunk of India’s population are strict vegetarians and many follow vegetarian practices. Veganism expands on these ideals and calls for us to reject all animal-based products. Killing animals for consumption is wrong and so is mistreating them to gain other materials from them. Even if you treat animals well, still they cannot give consent to humans that they (animals) are fine with us taking away the products, like honey, milk or silk, that they made.”.

Concerns regarding the environment, and ethics are deeply intertwined in the vegan lifestyle. Malavika explains that veganism is entirely dependent on nature for its needs, and also stands against the environmental damage caused by the meat, dairy and leather industries. It also understands the value of animal rights and dangers of over consumption.

Malavika’s personal journey as a vegan began in 2020 when she learned the absolute horrors that animals are subjected to in the meat and dairy industry. After her initial introduction to veganism, her worldview changed and as her knowledge of veganism grew she learnt the environmental, ethical and health benefits of going vegan. She built her social media presence to curate information about veganism in one place and break stigmas associated with veganism. She dabbles in the history and philosophy of the movement to present a full picture of veganism.

Her Instagram account, @malagoesgreen has become a space for spreading awareness about veganism, and environmental consciousness. She encourages open conversations and has made strides in making veganism and eco-friendly practices accessible to all. She teaches simple ways to incorporate these practices in our lives and do our bit for the world.

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