Mayaa SH Talks About Women Empowerment And The Way Ahead

Mayaa SH, Women Empowerment, Women Empowerment Culturist, Essayist, Thinker, Social and Legal Activist

Women Empowerment Culturist, Essayist, Thinker, Social and Legal Activist on advisories on family law in India, Evolutionary Developmental Feminist, Social Activist and Campaigner for Women’s Rights, Multiple State, National, Internationally acclaimed Awards Winner and Multiple World Records Holder, Suicide Prevention Expert and a Renowned name in Contemporary Literature Authoress Mayaa SH in a candid conversation.

How do you relate to Women’s Day ?

Women’s Day must continue to highlight the need for empowerment. Being empowered refers to the process of enabling anybody to have control over their lives, make choices, and access opportunities in various spheres such as education, employment, health care, and political participation. It involves fostering an environment where women can exercise their rights and achieve equality with men in all aspects of life.Women’s Day is not just a celebration; it is an opportunity to amplify the voices of women who have been marginalized or silenced. Empowering women is essential for societal health and development, as it allows them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and families. This aligns with the broader mission of using literature as a tool for social change, which is meant to inspire resilience and self-belief among women. On Women’s Day,  reflection on both the achievements made in advancing women’s rights and the persistent issues such as gender inequality, violence against women, and lack of economic opportunities that continue to affect millions globally is a must. Advocacy for a collective effort to address these challenges, encouraging individuals and organizations to work together towards creating a more equitable society. Women’s Day is a call to action: A day that urges everyone to commit all women to themselves to fostering an environment where every woman can thrive without limitations imposed by societal norms or expectations. It is about recognizing the power of women’s voices in shaping narratives and driving change in contemporary society.

What according to You is the power of dreams that you believe in?

Freud regarded dreams as a royal road to the unconscious; dream interpretation has thus been an important psychoanalytic technique. His theory of dreams mainly refers to two key points: (a) What are the materials of a dream? and (b) How do these materials work together? The answers to these questions are closely related to an understanding of dream interpretation. A dream includes the images, thoughts, and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can range from extraordinarily intense or emotional to very vague, fleeting, confusing, or even boring. Some dreams are joyful, while others are frightening or sad. Sometimes dreams seem to have a clear narrative, while many others appear to make no sense at all. My biggest dream was to champion the rights of women through my powerful writings that in practicality and in actuality will help become a driver of change for many women across the country. To become an author in specific genre of contemporary literature is by god’s grace as academics came effortlessly to the mind. My father has been a prolific writer. He has always encouraged reading a lot and being expressive in one’s thoughts and ideas towards oneself first.Besides, the concept of gender equality as “an investment, such that it can be regarded as a means to promote growth and employment rather than act as a cost or constraint” appealed to me to ink my thoughts and ideas and a stronger desire to contribute to a society’s needs for better self realisation for all. Mainstreaming gender equality is about acting according to the needs of women and men of various social groups. One of my book titled “Swayam”  reflects on the ideas and self belief that all must carry within themselves in order to be courageous and strong in life. It is a collection of golden thoughts that echo Strength, Resilience, Harmony, Creativity and Emotional Balance In Life. Women need to be empowered in all walks of Life and also within themselves. “Dreams serve as a catalyst for women’s empowerment, allowing them to envision their potential beyond societal limitations. When women dream, they create a vision for their future that transcends traditional roles and expectations. This vision is crucial in motivating them to pursue their aspirations actively.the act of dreaming fosters self-belief, which is vital for personal growth and achievement. When women dare to dream, they cultivate an inner strength that propels them toward their goals. This self-belief is not just about individual success; it also inspires other women in their communities to recognize their worth and capabilities.”

If we have to understand the meaning of Women Empowerment,what will it be according to You?

Women empowerment is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions of social, economic, political, and personal development for women. Women Empowerment begins with self belief from within and the fact that the word Impossible states that “ I am Possible”. Life will present you with challenges at every step, it is how we have to convert these into opportunities matter the most. You can win it only by upholding your innate right to be focussed and by staying diligent with respect to your goals and aspirations. The beginning of any work first starts with an aspiration. As soon as the desire arises, for its fulfillment, the mind starts planning for it through imagination. The intellect finds a way to fulfill the desire and in the form of thinking and contemplation, the seeds of innovation start being planted. What are we, what is our situation and on what ground do we stand, what are our capabilities? They should not be a marathon run only for a chase for ambitions without knowing and understanding them. Do not keep any imaginary assumptions about yourself or have any such aspiration which is not in accordance with your nature and against your own value system and set of beliefs that comprise the mettle in you. Life is a forward momentum, keep moving ahead leaving behind situations or opportunities that are no longer serving you. Few of the biggest obstacles in empowering women are related to all gender gaps and inequalities pertaining to women’s livelihoods and participation in the labour market through the creation of employment with secure incomes, which has been shown to advance women’s empowerment and enhance their reproductive health. There are a number of indicators which can induce stress in women. However , the most common amongst them are financial matters, low self esteem owing to constant nagging and denigration of the basic dignity and equality as a human being, job security, health, relationship matters.Experiencing crime or abuse even verbal, illness, infertility, bereavement, experiencing a loss of identity or period of uncertainty, poor access to services such as medical care, housing problems, such as poor living conditions, lack of security or homelessness are few causes of stress in women.

What are the pillars of  Women Empowerment?

Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. The five pillars of women empowerment are Education, Health, Security, Finances and Emotion. Education gives one the ability to think wisely and take thoughtful decisions. A careful reflection on Gender Discrimination highlights upon the fact that a society which discriminates between the two genders can never be empowered. Discrimination based on caste, creed, religion etc. curtails empowerment as a developmental process which includes four stages: entry, advancement, incorporation, and commitment. Women’s empowerment must aim to create a world where women have the power and freedom to live their lives, without discrimination or limitations based on gender. Disadvantages in education translate into lack of access to skills and limited opportunities in the labour market. Women’s and girls’ empowerment is essential to expand economic growth and promote social development. The full participation of women in labour forces would add percentage points to most national growth rates. When women are empowered, they are able to pursue paid, stable employment, poverty rates decrease, food insecurity decreases, and the stability, nutrition, and overall wellness of her family increases. Closing the gender pay gap will accelerate these benefits. Regardless of where you live in, gender equality is a fundamental human right. Advancing gender equality is critical to all areas of a healthy society, from reducing poverty to promoting the health, education, protection and the well being of all. Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families, communities and countries.

What does empowering people mean to you?

Healthy, educated and empowered people are agents of change. When people are supported, they gain opportunities to speak up for their rights, and also to advocate for their communities. They are also able to rise in social standing, and they can feed this into future generations. This means that several organisations,  empowerment policies and charities can gain momentum and contribute to a stronger world. Empowering people is the key to economic growth, political stability and social transformation. In many countries in the region, people’s economic contribution to the sector remains undervalued, which further impedes their participation in relevant capacity-building initiatives. This, in conjunction with their limited inclusion in decision-making processes impedes further development of the nation. Achievers are those who value personal achievements as achievements during their training and work experience that makes a positive impact on nation building. These include improving process efficiency, increasing revenue, and contributing to the community at large. People who “Inspire to Aspire” believe that the greatest effort of human life is positive action. Along with protection of self belief values, life can be made happy and meaningful through great conduct and good thoughts.

What does you wish to continue to do for women at large?

At an individual level I would endeavour to promote gender-inclusive and transformative legislation: Gender-neutral laws are often insufficient to guarantee equality due to the underlying discriminatory social norms and structural barriers that women face, which limit their agency to claim or to access their rights without the medium of a male head of household. Gender-inclusive laws and pro-active implementation measures can strengthen women’s rights and support their ability to claim their rights. I would also look at substantial reforms that need to be revisited with respect to the matrimonial law in our country. There is a dire need to develop and/or strengthen knowledge, understanding and awareness of basic concepts related to gender equality and women’s empowerment, thus promoting the integration of a gender equality perspective in everyday work and with a view to bring about behavioural change. Apart from this a dignified living, financial security and fair means of distribution of resources to women in society is much awaited. Social and economic equality is a must for all women in the right context and not thus in theories. Social equality in this context means the absence of discrimination on the grounds only of caste, colour, creed, gender, religion, or language.

Apart from your domain, who is your role model from the fashion industry?

A positive role model is usually somebody who is authentically themselves and at least somewhat self-aware; someone who knows who they are. Starting as a model requires signing with a top agency; though this can be challenging, perseverance pays off! Furthermore, beginning models or fashion designers may find success by entering the glamourous world of the arts, occupations, and businesses (such as theater, motion pictures, and television) that comprise the entertainment industry; and this provides invaluable experience while creating a huge fan base.About 2% of India’s GDP, or 7% of industry output in value terms, comes from the domestic garment and textile sector. It is also one of the largest employers in the country. This signifies the importance of the textile sector to the Indian economy. I admire the vision of Anamika Khanna. She is extremely  passionate about her career and have had  never given up, no matter how hard it has gotten. Anamika Khanna’s collection is a beautiful blend of modern-meets-ethnic designs and styles. She has modernised the entire sprightliness of fashion industry. She is extremely gifted as one of the few designers whose motives lie in her vision and transformation. In the era of contemporaneousness, where people are interested in western outfits, Anamika is inclined towards bringing tradition into light. She is focused on moulding traditional outfits into modern patterns. With every ascend, Anamika has created a new world through her creativity and her unique design patterns.

What is on your mind when felicitated with numerous awards both with national and international credits to your name?

It is a great opportunity of expressing commitment to serve one’s community is evident in everything one does.I thank the members of the jury for always honoring me and giving  golden opportunities in my hand, it makes one feel great on being rewarded for the hard work that one does. One must take the fortuity of the concept of giving back to the highest level. One must and can cultivate the attitude of gratitude and a commitment to serve others. No challenge is too big for a dedicated citizen for his or her truly selfless service to the nation. It symbolises identify and celebrate the outstanding leadership and achievements demonstrated by women that are reflected by the distinct innovations and initiatives brought in by them in various private and public sectors of jobs. These award  recognize and appreciate the profound role played by women as leaders, executioners, and decision makers, in shaping the future of the region and nation, and who embody the qualities of leadership in displaying active, creative, and integrative efforts in achieving the best possible results in the national and regional development plans of the country.

Why do people call Mayaa SH Pushpa – The Fire and Mayaa Tai?

I have always emphasised on straightforwardness in life. No lie, no bending of  facts, and no diplomacy, although sometimes people considered it as rudeness or arrogance and can also be hurtful. Being straightforward is the ability to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings. So, being straightforward allows people to know who you really are. Moreover, it takes an immense amount of courage to be straightforward and say what you feel. Being straightforward is not the absence of fear but doing what you know you want and need to do. It is difficult to be straightforward but the payoffs are enormous. Mayaa Tai is the name gifted by many women in the country. Tai means elder sister. Pushpa – The Fire is a medley of Pushpa meaning Flower and Fire – It said that fire was the first element created on earth and humans have benefited from it ever since they discovered it.In Sanskrit, the fire element is called Tejas and it comes third in the order of  ‘Pancha Tattva’ or the five elements of the body. Fire is evolved from ether and air, where ether gives the space for it to exist and air gives the momentum or capacity to burn. It was the Greeks who proposed that fire was the first element that gave rise to  the other 3 elements. Thus, Strong Women give rise to Camaraderie of Equally Strong Women. So, Pushpa – the Fire is the ideology that represents Combat Fear and accelerating forward.

How can women become Effective Thought Leaders?

Women must cultivate a strong sense of self-belief to step into leadership roles confidently. Self-confidence is foundational for women to express their ideas and lead effectively. This involves recognizing their worth and capabilities, which empowers them to take initiative and assert their voices in various spheres.Creating an inclusive environment is crucial for effective leadership. The importance of diversity in thought leadership must be highlighted, advocating for the inclusion of different perspectives and experiences. Women leaders should strive to create spaces where all voices are heard, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Advocating for gender equality is essential for women in leadership positions. Women should not only seek personal advancement but also work towards dismantling systemic barriers that hinder other women’s progress. By championing gender equality, women leaders can inspire others and create a more equitable society. Effective communication is a hallmark of good thought leadership.  Women must continue to harness their communication skills to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively. This includes active listening, engaging in meaningful dialogues, and using storytelling as a powerful tool to connect with audiences. Lifelong learning is vital for personal and professional growth.  Women should continuously seek knowledge and skills development to stay relevant in their fields. This commitment to learning enhances their expertise and credibility as thought leaders.

Women should also actively mentor other aspiring leaders, creating a ripple effect of empowerment within their communities. By sharing experiences and offering guidance, established women leaders can help nurture the next generation of female thought leaders. Challenging societal stereotypes about women’s roles is crucial for effective leadership. Women must be sensitised to break free from traditional expectations and redefine what it means to be a leader in contemporary society, thereby paving the way for future. Women can be good thought leaders by embracing self-belief, fostering inclusivity, promoting gender equality, utilizing communication skills, engaging in continuous learning, mentoring others, and challenging stereotypes within society.

About The Author

Mayaa SH has expressed many empowering thoughts aimed at uplifting women and encouraging them to embrace their strength and potential. Mayaa SH, is a literary luminary and is a fierce advocate for women’s empowerment and positive feminism. Recognized by the United Nations, she challenges societal norms and addresses gender inequality. With over two hundred plus anthologies and fourteen solo books to her credit, Mayaa SH envisions a society where women have equal rights, contributing to the nation’s development. Her impactful contributions resonate globally, inspiring change. Mayaa SH, a literary powerhouse and advocate for women’s empowerment, challenges societal norms through her bold narratives. Her writings, breaking stereotypes, echo gender inclusivity, earning global acclaim and multiple awards. Addressing women’s daily challenges and advocating for equal rights, she navigates stress and inspires hope through her self-help books, expertly discussing sensitive issues like suicide prevention.  Mayaa’s direct storytelling, rooted in culture, deeply resonates, reflecting intimate human dilemmas. Her significance as a feminist icon lies in her fearless transgression of boundaries and her ability to voice the feminine perspective, making her an essential force in contemporary literature. In summary, women empowerment means enabling women through education, economic independence, health rights, political participation, and challenging societal norms according to Mayaa SH.