New Delhi, March 25: A two-day innovation festival is starting at the National Science Centre in PragatiMaidan here on Friday, March 25, with an aim to foster a passion and aptitude for science and technology.
The programme will include an innovation fair.It will be a platform where innovators will showcase their creative work. It is designed to be interactive, with opportunities for hands-on activities for both adults and children visiting the festival.
Besides, there will be a `make it at Science Centre’ programme, where those interested in painting and sculpting would be allowed to paint or make sculptures on any topic in science and technology. Those interested in waste reuse could make interesting products out of waste materials. In addition, there will be an on-the-spot design contest/innovative challenges for families, where participants will be given on-the-spot tasks. A maximum of four members and a minimum of two of a family can participate in the event.
Director of Cluster Innovation Centre at the University of Delhi, Prof.DinabandhuSahoo will be the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony. He will deliver a popular science lecture on “science, technology and innovation impacting lives”.
The festival will come to close on March 26 with a valedictory function, where the Director of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s National Physical Laboratory, Prof Venu Gopal Achanta, will be the chief guest. (India Science Wire)